European Union has taken political correctness to a new level, perhaps the stratosphere. Just when I thought that taxing livestock’s flatulence was funny enough I get this news again from Europe that the EU have banned the use of words like ‘miss’, ‘Mrs.’; Madame, mademoiselle; ‘Senor’, ‘senorita’; ‘Frau’, ‘fraulein’ citing that these word are sexist, bigoted and chauvinistic.
The bureaucrats from Brussels have decided that these words are sexist and issued new guidelines in its bid to create ‘gender neutral’ language.
The booklet warns European politicians they must avoid referring to women’s marital status.
Instead of using the standard titles, it is asking MEPs to address women by their names.
And the rules have not stopped there – they also ban MEP’s saying sportsmen and statesmen, advising athletes and political leaders should be used instead.
Man-made is also a taboo – it should be artificial or synthetic, firemen is disallowed and air hostesses should be called flight attendants.
Headmasters and headmistresses must be heads or head teachers, laymen become layperson, and manageress or mayoress should be manager or mayor.
Police officers must be used instead of policeman and policewoman unless the officer's sex is relevant.
The only problem words that do not fit into the guidelines are waiter and waitress, which means MEPs are at least spared one worry when ordering a coffee.
They have reacted with incredulity to the booklet, which has been sent out by the Secretary General of the European Parliament.
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