Friday, August 7, 2009

Fannie Mae wants $11 Billion more after showing a loss of $15 Billion.

1. Fannie Mae plans to tap $11000000000 ($ 11 Billion) in new government aid after posting another massive quarterly loss.

2. Fannie Mae's new request for $ 11 billion from the Treasury Department will bring the total for Fannie & Freddie to nearly $ 96 billion.

3. Together Washington D.C. based Fannie and McLean Virginia based Freddie Mac own or guarantee almost 31 million home loans worth about $ 5.4 trillion (About half of all US Mortgage).

4. Fannie Mae posted a second quarter loss of $15.2 Billion i.e. $2.67 per share including $411 million in dividend pay outs.

5. The results were driven by $18.8 billion in credit losses due to declining housing market conditions, made worse by rising unemployment. Nearly 4% of the loans Fannie Mae owns or guarantees were delinquent as of 30th June 2009.

Paulson Reveals US Concerns of Breakdown in Law & Order

1. On 16th July 2009 the ex-US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson revealed that the Bush administration and Congress discussed the possibility of a breakdown of law & order and the logistic of feeding US citizens if commerce and banking collapsed.

2. He further stated that it was important at the time not to reveal officials' concerns, for fear it would terrify the American people and lead to an even bigger problem.

3. In the days that followed the Lehman Brothers fiasco, a run on some of the safest investment instrument in the financial markets threatened it impossible for people to access their savings, eventualy leading to a 1930's depression.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

List of Bankruptcies in July'09

In July 2009 a total of 7 major bankruptcies took place. Which is 1 less than the previous month. Now the figure stands at 71 major bankruptcies in 7 months at an average of 10.14~10 bankruptcies every month.

List of Bankrupted companies for the month of July:-

1. A1 Grand Prix Operations (UK)
2. Allied Carpets (UK)
3. Bashas' Retailers (USA)
4. Crabtree & Evelyn (USA)
5. Lear Corporation (USA)
6. SPV Gmbh (Ger)
7. Station Casinos (USA)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Russian Navy 'UFO Loves Ocean'

The Russian navy has declassified its records of encounters with unidentified objects technologically surpassing anything humanity ever built, reports Svobodnaya Pressa news website.

The records dating back to soviet times were compiled by a special navy group collecting reports of unexplained incidents delivered by submarines and military ships. The group was headed by deputy Navy commander Admiral Nikolay Smirnov, and the documents reveal numerous cases of possible UFO encounters, the website says.

Vladimir Azhazha, former navy officer and a famous Russian UFO researcher, says the materials are of great value.

“Fifty percent of UFO encounters are connected with oceans. Fifteen more – with lakes. So UFOs tend to stick to the water,”
he said.

On one occasion a nuclear submarine, which was on a combat mission in the Pacific Ocean, detected six unknown objects. After the crew failed to leave behind their pursuers by maneuvering, the captain ordered to surface. The objects followed suit, took to the air, and flew away.

Many mysterious events happened in the region of Bermuda Triangle, recalls retired submarine commander Rear Admiral Yury Beketov. Instruments malfunctioned with no apparent reason or detected strong interference. The former navy officer says this could be deliberate disruption by UFOs.

“On several occasions the instruments gave reading of material objects moving at incredible speed. Calculations showed speeds of about 230 knots, of 400 kph. Speeding so fast is a challenge even on the surface. But water resistance is much higher. It was like the objects defied the laws of physics. There’s only one explanation: the creatures who built them far surpass us in development,” Beketov said.

Navy intelligence veteran, Captain 1st rank Igor Barklay comments:

“Ocean UFOs often show up wherever our or NATO’s fleets concentrate. Near Bahamas, Bermudas, Puerto Rico. They are most often seen in the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean, in the southern part of the Bermuda Triangle, and also in the Caribbean Sea.”

Another place where people often report UFO encounters is Russia’s Lake Baikal, the deepest fresh water body in the world. Fishermen tell of powerful lights coming from the deep and objects flying up from the water.

In one case in 1982 a group of military divers training at Baikal spotted a group of humanoid creatures dressed in silvery suits. The encounter happened at a depth of 50 meters, and the divers tried to catch the strangers. Three of the seven men died, while four others were severely injured.

“I think about underwater bases and say: why not? Nothing should be discarded,” says Vladimir Azhazha. “Skepticism is the easiest way: believe nothing, do nothing. People rarely visit great depths. So it’s very important to analyze what they encounter there.”

Is Israel Preparing to Attack Lebanon?

The official Lebanese news agency reported on 28th July 2009 that the Lebanese army had declared a state of high alert and deployed forces along the border with Israel. According to the report, the high alert was declared in response to the advancing of Israeli tanks in the Shaba farm area. Reportedly, four Israeli tanks had advanced toward an area called Hassan Kasar, where there is an entrance gate to Lebanon. The news agency said that the Lebanese army deployed its forces in order to "be prepared to face the Israeli enemy".

The United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon (UNIFIL) also responded to the moves and raised its alert level in the area while monitoring the situation from both sides. Six Israeli aircraft had entered Lebanese airspace and circled the area.

The Hezbollah-linked television network Al-manar reported that meanwhile that the commander of the UNIFIL forces, Claudio Graziano, met on 27th July 2009 with southern Lebanese community leaders and two parliament members affiliated with Hezbollah and Shi'ite Amal movement.

According to the report, the meeting was convened in order to voice criticism over UNIFIL’s conduct following an explosion at an arms cache near the border earlier this month. Israel has argued that the explosion was caused by “an arms cache that consisted of Hezbollah arms, including rockets, mortars, artillery shells, grenades, and additional ammunition which had been brought to the area following the Second Lebanon War.” Lebanon, on the other hand, now says that the explosion took place at an uncompleted structure in the village that stored “arms left behind by the Israelis” during the 34-day war.

During the meeting, Al Manar went on to say, Hezbollah representatives warned the UNIFIL commander that southern Lebanon was under the sole authority of the Lebanese army and the Lebanese government, not UNIFIL. The criticism comes after UNIFIL complained that the Lebanese army blocked its troops from the site of the explosion following the incident.

The report also said that upon the conclusion of the meeting, those in attendance met with local residents in effort to restore the good relations between UNIFIL and the locals in southern Lebanon.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Hysteria is the real threat, not global warming

With Tony Blair launching his own plan to save the world, and the G8 leaders also unveiling their thoughts about global warming, this is a big week for environmental fanaticism.

Whatever he or they offer, it will not be enough to quell the warmists' semi-religious fervour.

They are like medieval preachers, proclaiming to baying crowds that the end of the word is nigh.

Well, is it? There are two separate climate issues - the extent of global warming and the role that humanity plays in it.

Some facts help. The famous 1996 report by the International Panel on Climate Change predicted serious global warming and blamed mankind.

But, since then, the world has disobligingly stopped warming. And two years of global cooling erased nearly 30 years of recorded temperature rises.

What was the worrying rise in temperature - so exciting for those whose computer models used the past to predict a grim future?

Given the margin of error associated with the old-style thermometers which were, until only recently, used to record temperatures, it should be stated thus: over the past 100 years, temperature has risen by 0.7C - plus or minus 1.3 degrees!

The only importance the serious scientists can attach to such a figure is that less serious people think it meaningful.

My own science teacher would have kept me in after school for saying this was a valuable figure.

But, as you will have noticed, it worked. The catastrophists piled in - some of whom had previously flourished warnings about global cooling. For some, any figure will do, especially when it gives them a media profile (and grants for research).

Those who worry about facts should look at the findings of NASA (see the website), whose up-to-date and sophisticated global surveys throw such doubt on the warmists' claims.

They should also read Heaven And Earth by Ian Plimer, Emeritus Professor of Earth Sciences at The University of Melbourne and Professor of Mining Geology at The University of Adelaide.

It is the best book on science and scientists I have ever read. Piece by piece, he takes apart the work of the fanatics. Far from denying global warming, he stresses its regularity and occasional abruptness and how humans have had to adapt.

A millennium ago, Greenland was warm, with a rich agriculture - not much man-made carbon gas then. Over half of the past six million years, the climate was warmer than it is now.

He explains that the supposed consensus view of the IPCC is nonsense. The much-touted 2,500 scientists supposed to have backed its conclusion included many non-scientists or were even the same contributors counted twice.

The finding that human activity influenced global climate involved the deletion of an original passage saying they had no evidence that greenhouse gases played a role and that the best answer was 'we do not know'.

There is always a temptation to assume that anyone labelled a scientist thinks scientifically. Learned philosophers have discussed how experiments are regularly conducted to prove a desired conclusion rather than to ascertain truth.

Prof Plimer provides the sharp-end view of this. The use of computer models excites his particular disdain.

He cites 17 areas of science, ranging from tectonics to meteorology, which need to be utilised in analysing climate change. No computer I have ever heard of can do this meaningfully.

In every area, conclusions, such as they are, are subject to wide margins of error (and often fierce debate).

Simple multiplication demonstrates that even modest margins of error must collectively become magnified into enormous final ones.

As he says: 'If computer models torture the data enough, the data will confess to anything.'

Yet all this leaves a big problem. If the data is really so inconclusive, not to say contradictory, why is the fanatics' message so successful?

This is a profoundly important phenomenon requiring the study of social, political, historical and even religious trends. Catastrophists have, of course, always been with us. There is something in humanity's psyche which delights in impending disaster.

Politicians are attracted because the cause must involve a great increase in the power of government.

The supposed danger has also provided fuel for those who are determined, come what may, to demonstrate that capitalism and industrialisation are the roots of our woe.

The religious instinct is satisfied by the opportunity for pious preaching and noisy protest. Yet the cause is so flawed.

Are we being conned? Yes, why not? Think of all the grand causes in our lifetime which have been bogus, starting with Iraq and Afghanistan and working backwards. Or consider the dishonesty in public affairs, as in MPs' expenses. Fraud is the common coinage of public affairs.

Think, too, that it is little over 200 years since Europe stopped the execution of witches, and less than that since Spain finally abolished the Inquisition. We are, of course, too enlightened now to be in danger of being carried away by superstition or hysteria - so we say.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Homeless people die after bird flu vaccine trial in Poland

Three Polish doctors and six nurses are facing criminal prosecution after a number of homeless people died following medical trials for a vaccine to the H5N1 bird-flu virus.

The medical staff, from the northern town of Grudziadz, are being investigated over medical trials on as many as 350 homeless and poor people last year, which prosecutors say involved an untried vaccine to the highly-contagious virus.

Authorities claim that the alleged victims received £1-2 to be tested with what they thought was a conventional flu vaccine but, according to investigators, was actually an anti bird-flu drug.

Investigators are also probing the possibility that the medical staff may have also deceived the pharmaceutical companies that commissioned the trials.

The suspects said that the all those involved knew that the trial involved an anti-H5N1 drug and willingly participated.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Great Bank Robbery

As global leaders struggle to rescue their nations from economic breakdown, the legitimacy of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency is under attack. Perhaps the problem lies with the Fed.

A large part of the “super” in the American superpower is based on the modern creed of liberal democracy, which serves as the motor of free-market capitalism. And the lubricant that keeps this colossal machine humming at full speed 24/7 is the US dollar. So before we risk any conjectures on the future prospects of America’s versatile banknote, which presently serves as the ‘world’s reserve currency,’ perhaps we should know more about who controls it.

It usually comes as a shock to people – especially diehard Americans who place infinite trust in their sacred Constitution – when they discover that the US dollar is not a product of the American government. That’s right, fellow consumers, that crumpled wad of dollars in your pocket is the product of the U.S. Federal Reserve, and despite the very official title, is about as “federal” as Federal Express. The reality is that the U.S. Federal Reserve is a profit-making venture just like Wal-Mart, General Motors or McDonald’s.

Yet the US Constitution clearly states (Article 1, Section 8) that one of the many functions of government is to “coin money, regulate the value thereof.” Indeed, this task was deemed so important that the Founding Fathers mentioned it ahead of the obligation to “raise and support armies.” The Constitution says absolutely nothing about outside parties being responsible for printing money or regulating interest rates.

To quote Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, “The privilege of creating and issuing money is… the supreme prerogative of government.”

It is no secret that the power to print money and set interest rates constitutes the greatest power of any government.

“Let me issue and control a nation’s money,” commented international banker Amschel Rothschild, “and I care not who makes the laws.”

Henry Kissinger reduced the almighty powers of the Federal Reserve to one line: “Who controls money controls the world.”

Besides having lost the power to regulate its own currency, the United States must also pay interest on the dollars it borrows. Given that the current bailout (and buy-in) of the American economy is in the ballpark of 9 trillion dollars it will take incalculable generations to pay back this monstrous bill.

“Henry Ford thinks its stupid and so do I, that for the loan of its own money the United States should be compelled to pay… interest,” complained the famous American inventor, Thomas A. Edison. “Why must we pay interest to money-brokers for the use of our own money!”

Given the trillions of dollars that the Federal Reserve has pumped into the economy to jumpstart consumer spending (indeed, Capitalism itself), many generations of Americans will be struggling financially as the United States goes from creditor nation to debtor nation practically overnight. Yet somehow US President Barack Obama still promises to create a long overdue national healthcare plan.

Much of the present financial stress began just after 9/11, some economists argue, when George W. Bush beseeched the American people to show defiance in the face of al Qaeda. Their recourse to action: ascend on the shopping malls in their Fords and Chevrolets en masse and shop! So the Federal Reserve, caught up in the euphoria, happily slashed interest rates and the banks, in cooperation with Wall Street, began to underwrite dangerously risky loans and subprime mortgages. Exactly how dangerous was revealed last year with the collapse of the US housing markets. The globe is still feeling the aftershocks, and some are predicting the arrival of yet another ‘big one’ before it’s all over.

Since the start of the ongoing economic crisis, which caused a tremendous loss of confidence in the US dollar, there have been calls to rebuild the world’s financial architecture.

“We must rethink the financial system from scratch, as at Bretton Woods,” said French President Nicolas Sarkozy in September.

In July 1944, with World War II drawing to a close, 730 representatives from over 40 nations assembled at the Mount Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, US. Here, the delegates agreed on financial legislation – including the creation of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank – that would dictate economic policy in the West for the next half a century.

At the center of the agreement was the decision to make the US dollar the ‘world’s reserve currency,’ which was based on the gold standard. This system collapsed on August 15, 1971 when US President Richard Nixon “closed the gold window.” In other words, the dollar is no longer backed up by gold reserves, and to this day the US currency enjoys “dollar hegemony.” But for how long is another question.

In October, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin rattled financial markets when he hinted to his Chinese counterpart, Wen Jiabao, that the two countries “stop using US dollars in Russian-Chinese settlements.”

China owns around $700 billion dollars of US debt in the form of Treasury Bonds, so it is understandable that the Chinese authorities are seriously considering what the heck to do with their investment at this point.

US officials estimate a deficit of $1.841 trillion for the 2009 budget.

Whatever US officials finally decide to do with the Federal Reserve, they may wish to reflect upon the British economist John Maynard Keynes’ suggestion for a world reserve currency.

Keynes suggested a ‘world currency unit,’ the bancor , which would regulate the international medium of exchange between nations. The famous supply-side economist envisioned the bancor being fixed upon the value of 30 commodities, with gold among them.

Now there's an idea worth banking on.

List of Bankruptcies in June'09

In June 2009 a total of 8 major bankruptcies took place, which is 2 less than the previous month. Now the figure stands at 64 bankruptcies in 6 months at an average of 10.67 ~ 11 bankruptcies every month.

List of Bankrupted companies for the month of June:-

1. 3D-Realms (USA)
2. Christian Lacroix (France)
3. Eddie Baur Holdings inc. (USA)
4. Extended Stay Hotel (USA & Canada)
5. Birthday's Retail (UK)
6. Setanta Sports (Ireland)
7. Six Flags inc. (USA)
8. Arcandor AG (Germany)

Friday, June 26, 2009






Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Festival city says join in the fun – or pay €500 fine

Every June for centuries, Pisa and its leaning tower have been illuminated by thousands of candles and oil lamps to celebrate its patron saint, Ranieri, in one of the most atmospheric festivals in Tuscany.

But tomorrow night, for the first time, participation in the Luminara festival will be compulsory under a new city law, with police set to roam the twinkling city to slap fines of up to €500 [£420] on anyone caught without a candle in their window.

The city council insists the new law is essential to prevent "black holes" of darkness ruining the overall effect of the 80,000-candle festival.

"Unfortunately black holes in the buildings along the river are a real offence to the city's beauty," Federico Eligi, the council's celebrations chief, told the Corriere della Sera newspaper. "There's also a security issue, since the public lighting system is completely shut off and the candles are the only things illuminating the streets."

But some Pisans are furious, especially since the law requires non-Christians to take part in the Luminara. "You can't require people to celebrate a saint with a candle, and you can't deny people the freedom not to participate in a festival," said Alfonso Maurizio Iacono, head of literature and philosophy at Pisa University.

Remo Bodei, another philosophy professor, disagreed: "St Ranieri is no longer a religious festival but a celebration of the city, and an ugly Luminara isn't decorous. Now it will be even more charming."

Cash to Become Extinct as Microchips Take Off

Cash is accelerating down the path to extinction as new technologies threaten to mark the end of loose change within a decade.

Bank and credit union bosses say cash won't be alone, with wallets and credit cards also likely to disappear too.

They told The Advertiser's round table forum that cash and cards will be replaced by computer chips embedded in mobile phones, watches or other portable devices.

Australian Central chief executive Peter Evers believes cash will be replaced for most transactions in five-to-seven years.

"Cash will disappear as there will be other forms of carrying cash, stored value in your phone or whatever it might be. It will transfer automatically," he said.

"We're very close in countries around the world. If you go in to Hong Kong or Singapore, the low-value transactions have already disappeared. You can't go anywhere, like on public transport, without pre-purchasing a card.

Dutch Supermarkets Set to Refuse Cash

Dutch supermarkets are hoping to phase out the use of cash by 2014, the Financieele Dagblad reports on Thursday, quoting the retail board CBL.

The aim of the ban on cash is to make supermarkets less vulnerable to armed robberies, the paper says.

According to CBL research, 87% of customers support moves to stimulate the use of direct debit cards.

The Telegraaf reports that €10bn of supermarket total turnover of over €30bn last year was in cash. Supermarkets had to deal with 200 'incidents', ranging from a grab at the cash register to armed robbery, the paper said.

Other solutions will be found for customers who do not want to use direct debit cards, a CBL spokesman said. 'Technology is making enormous advances. Trials are also being done with payment by mobile phone, but you can also pay with a finger print or iris scan,' the spokesman said.

The Dutch consumers association said the move was 'going too far'.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Prince Harry- "Who's My Father?"

A long time employee of Princess Diana has revealed that the Royal Family was involved in a massive cover-up to hide the fact that Diana's ex-lover James Hewitt is Harry's real father. Its been alleged that Hewitt was threatened by prince Charle's if he didn't go along with the cover up.

Prince Philip told Hewitt he would destroy him if it ever leaked out. It’s impossible that Charles is Harry’s real father. Hewitt was on the scene as Diana’s lover two years before Harry was born and furthermore Harry looks exactly like Hewitt.

The massive coverup involved Hewitt lying to the world about when his dalliance actually began with Diana. Originally he told the world he met Diana in 1986. Harry was born in 1984. Under hypnosis for a tv interview Hewitt admitted he met Diana in 1981 or 1982.

If this is to be true, it will be the biggest lie in Britain since Neville Chamberlain assured the world some seven decades ago that Britain and Germany would never go to war and perhaps one of these days you might find Hewitt's body hanging mysteriously in on of the hotel rooms.

Scotland Yard Officers Are Suspecting Of Defrauding Taxpayers Of Millions.

More than 300 elite Scotland Yard detectives are suspected of defrauding the taxpayer of millions of pounds by abusing their corporate credit cards.

Auditors who have examined the American Express accounts of 3,500 officers involved in countering terrorism and organised Crime have reported almost one in 11 detectives to the Metropolitan Police's internal investigators.

A senior officer appears to have spent £40,000 on his Amex card in one year, without authorisation. Items bought by others without permission include suits, women's clothing and fishing rods.

The scale of the suspected fraud, disclosed in an internal Metropolitan Police Authority report, will send shock waves through the force. Until now, the investigation into expenses fraud was thought to have focused on fewer than 40 officers. It comes days after Sir Paul Stephenson, the Met Commissioner, faced the potentially damaging disclosure that six officers face investigation over claims that a drug suspect's head was forced into a lavatory that was flushed repeatedly.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Prison- House Full, burn the Robbers; says Gunea crime chief.

Guinean citizens should burn any armed robbers they catch to avoid filling already crowded Guinean prisons, the anti-crime chief of the military junta urged its citizens.

"I am asking you to burn all armed bandits who are caught red-handed committing an armed robbery. The prisons are full and cannot take more people, and the situation cannot continue like that", said captain Moussa Tiegboro Camara, appointed by the military junta to fight against drugs and serious crime.

Lawlessness increased manifolds in the largest bauxite exporter after long standing president Lasana Conte died, with soldiers accused of being among the main culprits of robberies and rapes.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Grand Theft Auto- From General Motors to Government Motors

On June 1 2009 General Motors filed for bankruptcy, forcing the 100 year old automaker once seen as a symbol of American economic might and dynamism into a new and uncertain era of government ownership.

When a company goes bankrupt, everyone takes a hit: fair or not, workers lose some contract wages, stockholders get wiped out and creditors get fragments of what's left. That's the law. What workers don't lose are their pensions (including old-age health funds) already taken from their wages and held in their name.

But this time I smell a rat!!

Steven Rattner (Barack Obama’s Car Czar- the man who essentially ordered GM into bankruptcy) has a different plan for GM: grab the pension funds to pay off Morgan and Citi.

While workers are losing their retirement health benefits, their jobs, their life savings; while shareholders are getting zilch and many creditors getting hosed, a few privileged GM-lenders led by Jamie Dimon’s (Class A director of the Board of Directors of the New York Federal Reserve, a three year term which started January 2007 and CEO JP Morgan Chase) JP Morgan and Pandit’s Citibank expect to get back 100% of their loans to GM, a stunning $6 billion.

Monday, June 1, 2009

List of Bankruptcies in May'09

The number of bankruptcies has increased relative to April. In May a total of 10 major bankruptcies took place which is 2 less than the annual average of 12 so far. But it has more than doubled since April, which is a startling a fact and a challenge to the recovery rhetoric. Now the total figure stands at 58 bankruptcies since Jan’09. Now the average stands at 11.6.

List of bankruptcies in May’09

1. Central Park Media (USA)

2. Filene’s Basement (USA)

3. Firedog (USA)

4. Joe’s Sports, Outdoor and More (USA)

5. Journal Register Company (USA)

6. KB Toys (USA)

7. Peanut Corporation of America (USA)

8. SETA Corporation (JPN)

9. Steve & Barry’s (USA)

10. Visteon (USA)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

USA - North Korea Connection

Amidst the cacophony of condemnation from all sides following North Korea’s second nuclear bomb test, there has been no mention whatsoever of how the secretive Stalinist state got its weapons in the first place - they were paid for by the U.S. government.

Both the Clinton and Bush administrations played a key role in helping Kim Jong-Il develop North Korea’s nuclear prowess from the mid 1990’s onwards.

The hypocrisy being spewed forth from all sides in reaction to the news that North Korea tested an underground nuclear device equivalent to 10 times the power of their first test in October 2006 is akin to when the U.S. cited Iraq’s possession of chemical and biological weapons as a reason to invade Iraq in 2003, having first checked the receipt of course, since it was Donald Rumsfeld who brokered the deal to supply Saddam with those weapons in the first place.

Rumsfeld was also the man who presided over a $200 million dollar contract to deliver equipment and services to build two light water reactor stations in North Korea in January 2000 when he was an executive director of ABB (Asea Brown Boveri).

Rumsfeld was merely picking up the baton from the Clinton administration, who in 1994 agreed to replace North Korea’s domestically built nuclear reactors with light water nuclear reactors. So-called government-funded ‘experts’ claimed that light water reactors (LWR's) couldn’t be used to make bombs. Not so according to Henry Sokolski, head of the Non-proliferation Policy Education Centre in Washington, who stated, “LWRs could be used to produce dozens of bombs’ worth of weapons-grade plutonium in both North Korea and Iran. This is true of all LWRs — a depressing fact U.S. policymakers have managed to block out.”

The U.S. State Department claimed that the light water reactors could not be used to produce bomb grade material and yet in 2002 urged Russia to end its nuclear co-operation with Iran for the reason that it didn’t want Iran armed with weapons of mass destruction. At the time, Russia was building light water reactors in Iran. According to the State Department, light water reactors in Iran can produce nuclear material but somehow the same rule doesn’t apply in North Korea.

In April 2002, the Bush administration announced that it would release $95 million of American taxpayer’s dollars to begin construction of the ‘harmless’ light water reactors in North Korea. Bush argued that arming the megalomaniac dictator Kim Jong-Il with the potential to produce a hundred nukes a year was, “vital to the national security interests of the United States.” Bush released even more money in January 2003, as was reported by Bloomberg News.

Bush released the funds despite the startling revelation, reported by South Korean newspapers, that a North Korean missile warhead had been found in Alaska.

Construction of the reactors was eventually suspended, but North Korea had an alternative source through which they could obtain the nuclear secrets vital to building an atom bomb arsenal - CIA asset and international arms smuggler AQ Khan.

In 2004, Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan, the father of Pakistan’s atom bomb program, admitted sharing nuclear technology via a worldwide smuggling network that included facilities in Malaysia that manufactured key parts for centrifuges.

Khan’s collaborator Tahir ran a front company out of Dubai that shipped centrifuge components to North Korea.

Despite Dutch authorities being deeply suspicious of Khan’s activities as far back as 1975, the CIA prevented them from arresting him on two occasions.

“The man was followed for almost ten years and obviously he was a serious problem. But again I was told that the secret services could handle it more effectively,” former Dutch Prime Minister Ruud Lubbers said. “The Hague did not have the final say in the matter. Washington did.”

Lubbers stated that Khan was allowed to slip in and out of the Netherlands with the blessing of the CIA, eventually allowing him to become the “primary salesman of an extensive international network for the proliferation of nuclear technology and know-how,” according to George W. Bush himself, and sell nuclear secrets that allowed North Korea to build nuclear bombs.

“Lubbers suspects that Washington allowed Khan’s activities because Pakistan was a key ally in the fight against the Soviets,” reports CFP. “At the time, the US government funded and armed mujahideen such as Osama bin Laden. They were trained by Pakistani intelligence to fight Soviet troops in Afghanistan. Anwar Iqbal, Washington correspondent for the Pakistani newspaper Dawn, told ISN Security Watch that Lubbers’ assertions may be correct. “This was part of a long-term foolish strategy. The US knew Pakistan was developing nuclear weapons but couldn’t care less because it was not going to be used against them. It was a deterrent against India and possibly the Soviets.”

In September 2005 it emerged that the Amsterdam court which sentenced Khan to four years imprisonment in 1983 had lost the legal files pertaining to the case. The court’s vice-president, Judge Anita Leeser, accused the CIA of stealing the files. “Something is not right, we just don’t lose things like that,” she told Dutch news show NOVA. “I find it bewildering that people lose files with a political goal, especially if it is on request of the CIA. It is unheard of.”

In 2005, Pakistani President Pervez Musharaf acknowledged that Khan had provided centrifuges and their designs to North Korea.

With this history in mind, the shock, condemnation and indignation being expressed by the U.S. government in response to North Korea’s second nuclear bomb test is tinged with hypocrisy to say the least. Through their policies in aiding North Korea to build light water reactors, and via the CIA asset AQ Khan who was protected at every step of the way while he helped provide North Korea with the means to build a nuclear arsenal, the U.S. government itself is directly complicit in providing North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il with the nuclear weapons that they are now condemning him for testing.

North Korea is controlled by a hereditary Stalinist dictatorship that has starved two million of its citizens to death in favor of building a million-man army. Some people put the figure at four million, one-quarter of the population. In the far north of the country there is a network of forced labor gulags where people who have ‘expressed a bland political opinion’ are, along with their entire families, tortured, raped and executed. Horrific bio-chemical experiments are performed on mass numbers of people. Babies are delivered and then stamped to death by the camp guards. If the mother screams while the guards are stamping on the baby’s neck, she is immediately assassinated by a firing squad. These guards are rewarded with bonuses and promotions for ripping out prisoners’ eyeballs.

The North Korean people are enslaved by a government that is using food as a weapon. Perhaps this is why the EU and the United States, via the UN World Food Program, resumed the shipment of hundreds of thousands of tons in food aid at the end of February 2003. This goes directly to the sitting dictatorship, which then decides who gets it by their level of allegiance to the state. Food aid only increases the power of Kim Jong-Il and yet it is veiled by the UN in bleeding heart humanitarian rhetoric. The money goes straight to enabling the North Korean leadership to live in the lap of westernized luxury with casinos and lavish new cars.

President Bush publicly claimed to loathe Kim Jong-Il and yet his administration, like Bill Clinton before him, set the policy to help North Korea obtain nuclear expertise. The U.S. intelligence network also protected AQ Khan and allowed him to provide the means with which North Korea aqcuired their nuclear capability.

Now the corporate media, along with Obama, the UN, Israel and others, are expressing their grave condemnation that North Korea is testing the very same nuclear weapons technology that was initially bankrolled by the U.S. government itself. Sanctions are already in the pipeline and others are even talking of military confrontation, which could ultimately lead to a conflict with China, North Korea’s close neighbor and ally.

Friday, May 1, 2009

When Swine flu!!!

Are globalist fear-mongers driving the media to panic the public into universal healthcare solutions? Or federally-mandated vaccinations?

By definition, a "pandemic" is an epidemic that is geographically widespread. Fear-mongers are always careful to add the innuendo that millions of people could and probably will die, as in the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918 that killed between 20 and 100 million people worldwide.

Excuse me, but how does the death of even a few hundred equate to 20 million?

Mexico, not the usual Southeast Asia, is the origin of the latest flu outbreak. It has spread in limited numbers to several continents. Almost all of the deaths, limited as they are, are in Mexico. The ratio of deaths to infections is very small.

Again, how does this outbreak even remotely qualify as a pandemic? Answer: It does not!

Scientists and virus researchers are baffled because the genetic makeup of the virus contains elements of human, swine and bird flu from three geographic regions: North America, Europe and Asia. Until now, this has been unknown in nature, but not theoretically impossible.

Because of its unique genetic makeup, this writer proposes calling it the "flying pig flu", or FPF, instead.

This writer is hardly qualified to write with authority about the scientific side of viruses. However, after reading several authoritative papers on swine and avian flu, several observations can be made.

In the world of virus experts, there are two types of researchers: Observers and Experimenters.


Most researchers are highly trained scientific observers. These "Sherlock Holmes" scientists examine the pathology of virus development. Where did it originate? What animals or human were involved? Did the infected humans handle animals? Are certain strains limited to geography? You get the idea.

Without good observers, we would know little about the source or spread of different viral strains.

There are several good Internet resources where the findings of research observers are published.

We should be thankful for astute observers who can untangle mysteries that would otherwise not be understood.


A minority of researchers are experimenters. This group is worrisome.

Experimenters establish their playground in trying to create different types of viruses in order to measure their effect on test animals.

Such was the case at Baxter AG, when such an experiment was "accidentally" released as a live virus in a vaccine distributed to 18 countries. In this case, the live H5N1 virus (avian flu) was combined with the much more contagious (human) H3N2 virus.

Experts say that it is almost impossible for Baxter to make such a grievous error by accident. Czech newspapers, where the story was originally broken, suggest it was a rogue employee or a mole that purposely mixed the virus' together, but nothing has been proven as yet. Baxter is now under great suspicion that it is attempting to foment a pandemic that would bring hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue to supply its normal H5N1 vaccine.

Another example is the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia. In a 2004 report, CDC to mix avian, human flu viruses in pandemic study, it was noted that,

"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will soon launch experiments designed to combine the H5N1 virus and human flu viruses and then see how the resulting hybrids affect animals. The goal is to assess the chances that such a "reassortant" virus will emerge and how dangerous it might be."

Critics worried that such a "franken-virus" could itself cause a pandemic if it escaped from its creators. The CDC's only response is that their facilities were more secure than others who had experienced breaches of some sort in years past.

Why would the CDC risk world exposure to an artificially created virus? According to the above report, it was done in the name of preparedness.

As mentioned above, experimenters are a worrisome lot. Real world experience indicates that they are generally overconfident in their scientific prowess and in their abilities to contain the unpredictable fruit of their experiments.


There are some big problems with the current outbreak of flying pig flu. If there has been foul play, it may never be brought to light. Still, tough questions need to be asked:

  • While it is not unknown for pigs to become infected with the H5N1 virus, the result has always been a less-lethal and less-contagious virus than avian flu by itself. Why is this epidemic so obviously contagious?
  • How would genetic code from three continents find its way into a single strain in Mexico City?
  • Is this virus an escaped experiment from a project gone awry?
  • If man-made and not accidentally released, then who released it, and why?

As we contemplate these questions, watch the stock prices of major pharma companies skyrocket as they gear up to sell billions in vaccines. Watch governments as they declare mandatory vaccination programs. Watch the Obama administration as it railroads universal healthcare through Congress.

Indeed, flying pig flu may be just the right name for whatever is responsible for this particular flu outbreak.

In the meantime, we can reopen this case when pigs fly or when 10 million or so people have died, whichever comes first.

List of Business Failures in April 2009.

April has been a good year for the financial system, Dow climbing by 7 % and with just 5 major bankruptcies. Now we have a total of 48 major bankruptcies in the first 4 months. Bring down the average by 2.33 to 12 bankruptcies in a month for the year.

List of Bankruptcies -

1. Abitibi Bowater (CAN)
2. Darlington Football Club (UK)
3. General Growth Properties (USA)
4. LDV Group Limited (UK)
5. Chrysler (USA)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Obama and his $6 trillion!!??

I am not sure whether the global bond market would be able to fund the $6 trillion of the Obama fiscal package. The world is indeed running out of capital.

Unless this capital is forthcoming, a clutch of countries will prove unable to roll over their debts at a bearable cost. Countries most at risk of default are those that cannot print money as they do not have a national currency (Euro nations), and those who have borrowed abroad (Eastern Europe).

Traders already whisper that some governments are buying their own debt through proxies at bond auctions to keep up illusions - not to be confused with transparent buying by central banks under quantitative easing. This cannot continue for long.

Commerzbank said every European bond auction is turning into an "event risk". Britain too finds itself some way down the AAA pecking order as it tries to sell 220 billion pounds of Gilts this year to irascible investors.

US hedge fund Hayman Advisers is betting on the biggest wave of state bankruptcies and restructurings since 1934. The worst profiles are almost all in Europe - the epicentre of leverage, and denial. As the IMF said last week, Europe's banks have written down 17% of their losses - American banks have swallowed half.

It looked easy for Western governments during the credit bubble, when China, Russia, emerging Asia and petro-powers were accumulating $1.3 trillion a year in reserves, recycling this wealth back into the US Treasuries.

The tap has been turned off. These countries have become net sellers. Central bank holdings have fallen by $248 billion to $6.7 trillion over the last 6 months. The Oil crash has forced both Russia and Venezuela to slash reserves by a third.

Japan’s $1.5 trillion state pension fund (World’s Biggest) dropped a bombshell this month. It will start selling holdings of Japanese state bonds this year to cover a $40 billion shortfall on its books. So how is the Ministry of Finance going to fund a sovereign debt expected to reach 200% of GDP by 2010 (also the World’s Biggest) even assuming that Japan’s industry recovers from its 38% crash?

Japan is the first country to face a shrinking workforce in absolute terms, crossing the dreaded line in 2005. Its army of pensioners is dipping into the collective coffers. Japan’s saving rate has fallen from 14% of GDP to 2% of GDP since 1990. Such a fate looms for Germany, Italy, South Korea, Eastern Europe and perhaps eventually China.

So where is the $6 trillion going to come from this year, and beyond? For now we must fall back on the Fed, the Bank of England, and various central banks, World Bank – nota-bene and rely on printed money (QE) to pay for education, infrastructure and administration. It is necessary (Alas!!) to stave off debt deflation. But it is also a slippery slope, as Fed hawks keep reminding us their chairman Ben Bernanke. One wonders if Mr. Bernanke regrets saying so blithely that Washington can create unlimited dollars “at essentially no cost”.

The crux of the problem is not sub-prime or mortgage loans or this and that bank but the government. Governments around the world allowed their banking system to grow unchecked, in some cases going into an untenable liability for the host country. A disturbing number of states look like Iceland once you dig into the entrails, and most are in Europe where liabilities average 4.2 times the GDP.

The G20 deal to triple the IMF’s fire fighting fund to $750 billion buys time for the likes of Ukraine and Argentina. But the deeper malaise is that so many of the IMF backers are themselves exhausting their credit lines and cultural reserves.

Great bankruptcies change the world. Spain’s default under Philip II ruined the Catholic banking dynasties of Italy and South Germany, Shifting the locus of financial power to Amsterdam. Anglo-Dutch forces were able to halt the Counter-Reformation, free Northern Europe from absolutism, and break into North America.

Who knows what revolution will come from this crisis if it ever reaches defaults.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Former astronaut: Man not alone in universe.

Former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell and other UFO enthusiasts are concerned.

Mitchell, who was part of the 1971 Apollo 14 moon mission, asserted that extraterrestrial life exists, and that the truth is being concealed by the U.S. and other governments.

He delivered his remarks during an appearance at the National Press Club following the conclusion of the fifth annual X-Conference, a meeting of UFO activists and researchers studying the possibility of alien life forms.

Mankind has long wondered if we're "alone in the universe. [But] only in our period do we really have evidence. No, we're not alone," Mitchell said.

"Our destiny, in my opinion, and we might as well get started with it, is [to] become a part of the planetary community. ... We should be ready to reach out beyond our planet and beyond our solar system to find out what is really going on out there."

Mitchell grew up in Roswell, New Mexico, which some UFO believers maintain was the site of a UFO crash in 1947. He said residents of his hometown "had been hushed and told not to talk about their experience by military authorities." They had been warned of "dire consequences" if they did so.

But, he claimed, they "didn't want to go to the grave with their story. They wanted to tell somebody reliable. And being a local boy and having been to the moon, they considered me reliable enough to whisper in my ear their particular story."

Roughly 10 years ago, Mitchell claimed, he was finally given an appointment at Pentagon to discuss what he had been told.

An unnamed admiral working for the Joint Chiefs of Staff promised to uncover the truth behind the Roswell story, Mitchell said. The stories of a UFO crash "were confirmed," but the admiral was then denied access when he "tried to get into the inner workings of that process."

The same admiral, Mitchell claimed, now denies the story.

"I urge those who are doubtful: Read the books, read the lore, start to understand what has really been going on. Because there really is no doubt we are being visited," he said.

"The universe that we live in is much more wondrous, exciting, complex and far-reaching than we were ever able to know up to this point in time."

Severe Solar Storms Could Harm Power Grid, Navigational Systems and Spacecraft.

More than a billion people without power. The distribution of drinkable water disrupted. Transportation, communication and banking upset. Trillions of dollars in damage.

Hurricanes, blizzards and other earthly tempests aren't the only natural forces with the potential to sow catastrophe.

Severe weather in the sun's outer atmosphere could knock out much of the country's power grid, incapacitate navigational systems and jeopardize Spacecraft.

While the odds of a solar disaster are relatively small, scientists warn that we need to ramp up our defenses against solar storms, especially given our increasing dependence on technology that is so susceptible to radiation from sun.

'US Govt. urged silence about the losses' - Bank of America CEO

Bank of America Corp CEO Kenneth Lewis testified under oath that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and then-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson pressured him to keep quiet about losses at Merrill Lynch & Co, which the bank was buying.

Testifying before New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo in February, Lewis said "it wasn't up to me" to reveal Merrill's fourth-quarter losses as they were becoming apparent in December, the newspaper said, citing a deposition transcript.

Shareholders of Merrill and Bank of America voted to approve the merger on December 5, and the transaction closed on January 1. Bank of America subsequently reported that Merrill lost $15.84 billion in the fourth quarter.

At Bank of America's April 29 annual meeting, shareholders will vote on whether to force Lewis to step down as chairman of the largest U.S. bank or leave its board, because of Merrill and a falling share price.

Many critics also want Lewis to give up the chief executive job, which he has held since 2001.

The Journal said Lewis testified that Bernanke and Paulson told him the merger needed to go through and that any failure would "impose a big risk to the financial system" of the United States.

Cuomo's office is expected to release the deposition transcript to federal regulators and overseers of bank bailout money today.

Bank of America shares have lost three-fourths of their value since the Merrill purchase was announced September 15.

Merrill's losses triggered a federal bailout of Bank of America, including $20 billion of new capital, in January.

US Government will Stage Terror, Declare Martial Law?

Former US presidential candidate Alan Keyes has given perhaps his most dire warning yet, saying that the Obama administration is preparing to stage terror attacks, declare martial law and cancel the 2012 elections, which is why they are demonizing their political enemies as criminals and terrorists.

Keyes is best known for his performance during the 2000 Republican Presedential debates, when he was accredited by many media outlets as being the clear winner during a series of debates with George W. Bush and John McCain.

“It’s obvious that they will stop at nothing,” Keyes told attendees of a reception in Fort Wayne, adding, “We may wake up one day and there’s a series of terrorist attacks, the economy is paralysed….martial law will be declared everywhere in the United States and it won’t end until the crisis ends.”

Keyes said that Americans should be thankful if they even see another election in 2012, stating, “If we don’t wake up and work to see that it happens, we will not see another election.”

“The minute they think they can get away with it, they will end this system of government and that is their intention,” added Keyes, noting that everyone acting as if the time we are in was just “business as usual” reminds him of the attitude of politicians in the Weimar Republic when Hitler was rising to power or eastern Europe when the Communists were taking over after the second world war.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A fraud that makes Madoff look small time

Since Bernard L. Madoff was handcuffed and taken from his office by FBI agents, we have been made well aware of the nature of Ponzi schemes, fraudulent investment opportunities that pay off early participants with money from newcomers, not from returns on legitimate stock or bond holdings. Mr. Madoff, once a highly respected member of the Wall Street establishment, has admitted to defrauding investors of as much as $50 billion in such a manner. When asked by the agents who arrested him if he could explain what he'd done, he reportedly said, "There is no innocent explanation."

According to the man who may be the leading expert on banking fraud, there is also no innocent explanation for the events leading to the current economic crisis. Last week on his PBS show, Bill Moyers interviewed William K. Black, the senior regulator during the savings and loan scandal in the late 1980s. Mr. Black, who wrote a book based on his experiences and called it The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One, said the fraud and deceit that resulted in the world banking system's dire distress makes Bernie Madoff look like a piker. In fact, says Mr. Black, who is the former director of the Institute for Fraud Prevention, what we have experienced was caused by "calculated dishonesty" on the part of corporate CEOs, aided and abetted by politicians and regulators who tore down the barriers to financial shenanigans - perhaps the most important example being the repeal of the Great Depression-inspired Glass-Steagall Act that separated commercial banking from investment banking. This cleared the stage for the fraudulent investments that made a lot of people very, very rich in what we can now see was an immense Ponzi scheme, many times the size and scope of the scam pulled off by Mr. Madoff.

Consider that one company, the now-defunct IndyMac - which specialized in making liar's loans - in a single year (2006) sold $80 billion of these toxic things to other companies. IndyMac lost more money than all the lending institutions involved in the S&L crisis of the 1980s. And those at the helm of this firm and the others we've heard so much about - A.I.G., Merrill Lynch, Lehman Brothers, etc. - knew what they were doing. Mr. Black believes they dealt in investment instruments they knew were created fraudulently.

So, why haven't we seen the people responsible for this hauled off in handcuffs the way Bernie Madoff was? Or at the very least, how come the CEOs of the banks involved in this scheme haven't been made to walk the plank like Rick Wagoner of General Motors? Because, says Mr. Black, "We don't want to change the bankers, because if we do, if we put honest people in, who didn't cause the problem, their first job would be to find the scope of the problem. And that would destroy the cover-up."

When asked by Mr. Moyers whether he was alleging that Timothy F. Geithner and others in the administration, and the banks, are engaged in a cover-up to keep us from knowing what went wrong, Mr. Black said, "Absolutely." The rulers are frightened to admit that many of the large banks are insolvent. They have ignored the proven methods for dealing with bank fraud and have instead adopted what they used to laugh at when the Japanese did it: covering up bank losses by lying about them and injecting money into failed institutions. Even though it's working exactly as one would expect - just as it did in setting Japan into a long, deep recession - they don't know what else to do. To take effective action would reveal what they believe cannot be revealed. The lurid facts must be hidden.

So much for the vaunted transparency the new president promised us.

The Big Money Behind Geithner

A guy who can’t figure out his own taxes is supposed to fix the economy? This is the absurd rationale being offered by media after it was disclosed that he was a serial tax evader. He did his own taxes for a couple years and got into trouble. This guy is supposed to be so smart we can entrust him with managing the entire U.S. economy?

Anybody watching this bizarre spectacle unfold has to suspect there is something more to the story. Who is behind Geithner and why? And why does Obama want him? This is where the media fear to tread. Major media companies such as GE (parent of NBC News) and the Washington Post Company have their own connections to Geithner through their own officials and board members. They have a conflict of interest that will never be reported by the news organizations themselves.

The real story, which can only emerge through talk radio and alternative media, is that Geithner has very powerful political and financial connections, not only to the media but the banking interests and lobbies that try to orchestrate U.S. policy behind the scenes.

The President of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, the Chinese-speaking Geithner is an associate of Henry Kissinger who can be counted on to convince the Chinese Communists to continue to buy U.S. debt and finance Obama’s massive expansion of federal government power. That is why Obama and his fellow Democrats are putting so much faith in him.

As Henry Kissinger recently put it, when he was celebrating U.S.-China relations on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, Obama’s mission is to usher in a “New World Order.” He forgot to mention, of course, that it is a China-dominated New World Order in which the U.S. has become a subsidiary of China Inc.

Kissinger did comment that Obama had “appointed an extraordinarily able group of people in both the international and financial fields.” He didn’t name names, but that obviously includes Geithner, who used to work for Kissinger Associates.

It also turns out that Geithner’s father, Peter F. Geithner, serves on the board with Kissinger of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations. This is the group that rang the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange, celebrating Chinese investments in the U.S. economy. In another interesting connection, it turns out that Peter F. Geithner was with the Ford Foundation and oversaw the work of Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham, developing what are called microfinance programs in Indonesia.

Based on what Obama has said about Geithner, and what the media have repeated ad nauseam, we are supposed to believe that he made some mistakes that were typical of an employee who had worked for an international organization, the International Monetary Fund. But this doesn’t hold up because he admits he was told by the IMF about the procedures and necessity of paying those taxes. So the failure to pay these taxes looks like a case of tax cheating. If it wasn’t cheating, then he didn’t understand the tax code or didn’t pay enough attention to get it done right. This doesn’t seem like a proper credential for the post of Treasury Secretary, with jurisdiction over the IRS.

There has to be something more to the rationale for confirming somebody who is this much of a conniver or this dumb to the post. What is it?

It doesn’t take much digging. For anybody in the dark about this, please consult and closely study his bio. Geithner is a wheeler-dealer for powerful special interests.

If you examine the nature of the “Group of Thirty,” an affiliation which appears at the bottom of his biography, right after his Council on Foreign Relations membership, you will quickly learn that the President of the New York Federal Reserve Bank is an associate of the governor of the Chinese central bank through this mysterious organization of bankers and other top current and former officials from various countries. You will notice that other Obama nominees and associates are members, including Paul Volcker and Lawrence Summers.

You will also learn that this organization has been funded by―surprise―some of the same financial institutions getting federal bailout money. These include American International Group, Goldman Sachs and Citi, among others. Because it has a website and publishes an annual report, all of this seems open and above board. But the fine print reveals that some of the meetings are by “invitation only.”

The entire list of “contributors and supporters” of the “Group of Thirty” is quite impressive. You will find not only U.S. financial institutions getting bailout money, but central banks around the world and Arab financial interests. In addition, you also find private financial interests, including the hedge fund operated by billionaire and Obama contributor George Soros.

But I can find no stories in the major U.S. media critically examining the history and purpose of this organization. Could it be because selected reporters are invited to its meetings on a deep background basis? And that they develop financial sources at these meetings that they swear to protect and defend?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Largest Landowners!!!

Queen Elizabeth II, head of state of the United Kingdom and of 31 other states and territories, is the legal owner of about 6,600 million acres of land, one sixth of the earth’s non ocean surface.

She is the only person on earth who owns whole countries, and who owns countries that are not her own domestic territory. This land ownership is separate from her role as head of state and is different from other monarchies where no such claim is made – Norway, Belgium, Denmark etc.

The value of her land holding. £17,600,000,000,000 (approx).

This makes her the richest individual on earth. However, there is no way easily to value her real estate. There is no current market in the land of entire countries. At a rough estimate of $5,000 an acre, and based on the sale of Alaska to the USA by the Tsar, and of Louisiana to the USA by France, the Queen’s land holding is worth a notional $33,000,000,000,000 (Thirty three trillion dollars or about £17,600,000,000,000). Her holding is based on the laws of the countries she owns and her land title is valid in all the countries she owns. Her main holdings are Canada, the 2nd largest country on earth, with 2,467 million acres, Australia, the 7th largest country on earth with 1,900 million acres, the Papua New Guinea with114 million acres, New Zealand with 66 million acres and the UK with 60 million acres.

She is the world’s largest landowner by a significant margin. The next largest landowner is the Russian state, with an overall ownership of 4,219 million acres, and a direct ownership comparable with the Queen’s land holding of 2,447 million acres. The 3rd largest landowner is the Chinese state, which claims all of Chinese land, about 2,365 million acres. The 4th largest landowner on earth is the Federal Government of the United States, which owns about one third of the land of the USA, 760 million acres. The fifth largest landowner on earth is the King of Saudi Arabia with 553 million acres

Largest five personal landowners on Earh
Queen Elizabeth II

6,600 million acres
King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia

553 million acres
King Bhumibol of Thailand

126 million acres
King Mohammed IV of Morocco

113 million acres
Sultan Quaboos of Oman

76 million acres

Monday, April 6, 2009

List of Business Failures in March 2009.

The list of business failures in March of 2009 was slightly better that the previous two months average of 14.5. In March 09 there were 14 business failures.
The new avg is 14.33 about 14 closing shutters or filing for bankruptcy every month.

1. Babcock & Brown (AUS)
2. Denver Newspaper Agency (USA)
3. Fleetwood Enterprises (USA)
4. Idearc Media (USA)
5. Märklin (GER)
6. Magna Entertainment Corp. (USA)
7. Monaco Coach Corp. (USA)
8. Ritz Camera Centres (USA)
9. Silicon Graphics (USA)
10. Spansion Inc. (USA)
11. Strathfield (AUS)
12. Stylo (GBR)
13. Sun - Times Media Group (USA)
14. Viyella (GBR)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

EU presidency: US and UK economic recovery plans are 'a way to hell'

Barack Obama and Gordon Brown's plans to increase spending on economic recovery have been described as "a road to hell" by the European Union presidency.

Internal European divisions are growing over the Prime Minister and US President's strategies to fight the economic crisis just one week before a critical G20 summit in London.

Mirek Topolanek, the Czech prime minister who is running a caretaker EU presidency after the collapse of his government on Tuesday, highlighted European splits over fiscal stimulus plans promoted by Mr Obama, with Mr Brown's support.

Mr Topolanek warned the European Parliament that the Obama administration's stimulus package and financial bail-out "will undermine the stability of the global financial market".

”All of these steps, these combinations and permanency is the way to hell,” he told Euro-MPs in Strasbourg

”We need to read the history books and the lessons of history and the biggest success of the EU is the refusal to go this way.”

His comments reveal European disunity just eight days ahead of the G20 summit of the world's industrialised countries in London next Thursday.

Mr Brown will be hosting the event and trying to contain sharply diverging EU positions at the summit, which will also be the forum for Mr Obama's first visit to Europe as US President.

The comments are a major setback for Mr Brown as they come just one day after he addressed the same audience of MEPs to urge more government spending by the EU and US to help pull the world out of its financial and economic depression.

"We can together deliver the biggest fiscal stimulus," he said to the parliament on Tuesday.

Writing in newspaper articles published across Europe on Wednesday, Mr Obama implicitly criticised countries, such as Germany, France and the Czech Republic, that are opposed to further stimulus measures.

"All of us are going to have to take steps in order to lift the economy," he wrote.

"We don't want a situation in which some countries are making extraordinary efforts and other countries aren't, with the hope that somehow the countries that are making those important steps, lift everybody up."